The SVN BluePrint Team

 When you attend one of our regional sessions, you will join a team of SV Providers and allied professionals who will  discuss changes, adaptations and trends for our field leading to a formally published Position Paper designed to educate and inform courts, communities, and legislators.

The Blueprint Meetings will be one-day networking and brainstorming opportunities with a modest registration fee to cover costs.

This NOT a training, we will be facilitating the discussion with the intent to offer a concrete vision and pathway to increasing awareness of the value of supervised visitation. 

 Regional BluePrint Teams will meet across the United States and Canada in the next 9-12 months

Next Blueprint Meeting TBA 

What is a Position Paper?

position paper (sometimes position piece for brief items) is an essay that presents an arguable opinion about an issue – typically that of the author or some specified entity. Position papers are published in academia, in politics, in law and other domains.

What do We Hope to Learn?

The Future of Supervised Visitation: How do we Effectively  Engage and Influence Courts, Communities and Legislators?