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We are pleased to announce a new training option you, the Keys Concepts Training for Frontline SV Providers. SVN members have been asking for a way to get the front-line staff trained and keep their skills sharp in this time of social distancing and your SVN Faculty Team has responded by creating a front line visitation supervisors course.This training will explore foundational concepts of supervised visitation, while promoting meaningful discussion around providing services. We realize that while attaining the SVN 24 Hour credential via our certificate training is the ultimate way to meet the SVN training standards, many of you have asked for more affordable options to get staff started at your programs.This 8 hour online program can be taken whenever it is convenient for the student. It covers Keys for Best Practice, Neutrality, Ethics, Safety, Trauma, Intervention, Collaboration and Documentation. The course also includes access to powerpoints, assessments, handouts and videos that will be available as ongoing resources for the student. Once the program is completed, a time-stamped completion certificate is automatically emailed. $99 SVN Member Rate$149 Non SVN Member Rate
Grab Click Keys to Purchase Course Format- This class is taught by seasoned visitation providers who have trained nationwide on topics related to supervised visitation and exchange. Goal- The goal of this training is to explore the basic skills required for providing the competent supervised visitation services. The training areas include:
Meet your faculty:Jennifer Garst [email protected] 904-419-7816
Jennifer Garst, as the Associate Director of SVN, supports supervised visitation professionals around the globe to provide child focused, trauma informed and safe visitation and exchange services. Jennifer has worked in the non-profit sector for almost 15 years, previously directing a domestic violence/child abuse focused visitation center in a major metropolitan area. As an advocate for families, she has dedicated her career to ending social injustices and creating safety for survivors of family violence and child abuse. Jennifer serves on the Executive & Workshop Committees for Mental Health America of Greater Dallas’ Adolescent Symposium of Texas; which hosts over 800 mental health providers from around the US. Previously, Jennifer has served on local coalitions for Child Abuse Prevention and Domestic Violence. Before her current role, she was an SVN scholar, chosen to present workshops at multiple SVN Conferences, held membership in the training and technology committees and was chosen as a trainer for the SVN certificate program. She graduated with honors earning Bachelors and Masters degrees in Social Work from the University of Texas-Arlington and uses her educational background as a foundation to providing training, education and technical assistance to SV providers globally. Jennifer and her husband Charlie, are proud parents of a beautiful red head named Alayna.
![]() Howard Yaffe Cambridge, MA [email protected] 617-354-2275 ext 14
Howard Yaffe is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker with more than 30 years of experience in various settings. Most of his clinical work has focused on supporting children and families and has been the director of Meeting Place, one of the first supervised visitation programs in Massachusetts, now for approximately 20 years. He is currently the program director of Domestic Violence Services for Riverside Community Care, a large social service agency in the Boston area. This position includes full oversight of Meeting Place as well as two other domestic violence related program. In his private practice he focuses on supporting children and families through the divorce process and has recently taught a High-Conflict Co-parenting class through William James College of Psychology. He is returning to the SVN Board of Directors after a one year hiatus and has presented and/or facilitated a number of webinars, workshops and trainings over his years with SVN and has had a role in writing and editing modules of the SVN Training Manual. He is happy to lend his support to SVN during this challenging time.
![]() Lori Wymore-Kirkland Fairfax, VA [email protected] 703-246-3046
Lori Wymore- Kirkland has more than 30 years’ experience working with families and children. She has witnessed first-hand the importance of supporting healthy parent-child relationships through adopting a trauma informed approach to human services. Lori has worked with children as a mental health specialist, as a social worker in Texas and New Mexico, and worked in early education running childcare programs in Maryland and Virginia. Since 2007, Lori has been the program developer and manager of the Stronger Together Supervised Visitation and Exchange Center for the Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. This program was developed at the request of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Lori took the Stronger Together from concept to implementation through collaboration with Juvenile Court Judges and countywide stakeholders. Over the years Lori has taught parenting and child development education classes, worked with domestic violence programs, done extensive work in program development, assisted in obtaining grant funding and has worked with court-wide family engagement initiatives. On a national level, Lori currently serves on the Supervised Visitation Network as a board member. Locally, she is an active member of the Fairfax County Domestic Violence Network and collaborates on multiple Fairfax County teams. Lori is strongly supported through the local Fairfax interagency and community Advisory Board developed to support responsive community services for supervised visitation. The advisory board is made up of 25 members from across Fairfax County agencies, JDRDC Judges, local law enforcement and private community partners. Lori provides trainings and mentorship to local community partners, volunteers, interns, and supervised visitation