The SVN Standards and Guidelines Committee (S & G) co-chairs wishes to give thanks to the SVN Board of Directors for its support and direction in undertaking the project to revise and amend the SVN April 1996 Standards and Guidelines, to reflect up-to-date best practices. The S & G committee extends special thanks and appreciation to the SVN Standards Task Force members for their extraordinary wisdom, professional vision, and invaluable time spent with meetings, teleconference calls, reviewing, drafting, revising, and revising, and revising the standards: Barbara Flory, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., Program Manager, Heritage House, St. Louis, Missouri, Jane Grafton, Greater Vancouver Mediation/Supervision Services, BC, Canada, Judy Newman, Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto, Ontario Canada, and Rob Straus, J.D., DMH, Director, Meeting Place: Supervised Child Access Services, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Without your steadfast leadership and dedication, we could never have been completed this project. The lessons you have taught us are priceless.

Sincere thanks and gratitude to the SVN Standards and Guidelines Committee members for your generosity of time and guidance: Laurie Casey, Family Tree Access Centers, Inc., Ruthland, VT, Nancy Fallows, Executive Director, SVN, Mary Jaffe, West Palm Beach, Florida, Teri Walker McLaughlin, Children's Safety Centers, St. Paul, MN, and Nancy Porter, 30th Judicial District, DV-SA Alliance, Waynesville, NC. Many thanks to the California Administrative Office of the Courts staff members Shelly La Botte and Juan Palomares for their professional assistance and many hours spent on preparation and production of the new standards. Thank you Randy Fallows, SVN Webmaster, ITS, for all your technological support on this project. Finally, the committee would like to acknowledge the following individuals who provided reviews and comments on the revised standards: Karen Oehme, J.D., Clearinghouse on Supervised Visitation, Institute for Family Violence Studies in the Florida State University School of Social Work, Jeffrey Postuma, Director of Parenting Programs-Perspectives Family Center, and Margaret Carson, Seattle, Washington.

SVN Standards and Guidelines Committee Co-chairs:
Shelly La Botte, J.D., California's Access to Visitation Grant Program, Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts, Center for Families, Children & the Courts, and Nadine Blaschak-Brown, former Program Manager, Rally Family Visitation Services of Saint Francis Memorial Hospital, San Francisco, CA.

SVN Board of Directors (Fiscal Years 2004-2006):
Jody Bittrich, Rainbow Bridge Safe Exchange/Visitation Center, Moorhead, MN, Barbara Flory (see above), Nancy Fallows (see above), Jane Grafton, (see above), Ona Foster, Faith and Liberty's Place, Dallas, TX, David Levy, Children's Rights Council, Hyattsville, MD, Teri Walker McLaughlin (President), Della Morton, Merrymount Children's Center, London, Ontario Canada, Joe Nullet, Family Nurturing Center of Florida, Inc., Jacksonville, FL, Vayla Roberts (Vice-President), Sharon Rogers, Judge Ben Gordon, Jr., Family Visitation Center, Shalimar, FL, Virginia Rueda, Family Visitation Center, El Paso, TX, Rob Straus, (see above), Georgia Thompson, LA Wings of Faith, Los Angeles, CA., and Beth Zetlin, Forest Hills, NY.