Standards For Supervised Visitation Practice
17.0 Provider Functions Following Supervised Visitation
17.1 Purpose
This section clarifies for staff when to provide feedback to parents and when to conduct staff debriefing.
17.2 Feedback to Parents
- A provider must inform a parent if there has been an injury to their child, a critical incident during supervised visitation, or an incident that presents a risk to that parent's safety. An exception to section 17.2(1) is if a critical incident involves a mandatory report to child protective services and child protective services instructs the provider to not inform the parent.
- A provider must inform a parent if he/she has violated a provider rule which may lead to the suspension or termination of services.
- A Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Provider must review progress on the agreed upon goals, on an ongoing and agreed upon basis in a summary of services report. Such reports must NOT include recommendations concerning child custody or parent child contact arrangements.
17.3 Discussion of Cases with Staff
Providers, other than private providers with no employees or volunteers, must provide supervision and an opportunity for visit supervisors to discuss visits or exchanges they have supervised.