Standards For Supervised Visitation Practice
19.0 Special Standards In Situations Involving Child Sexual Abuse And Domestic Violence
19.1 Purpose
This section is intended to set forth additional conditions for the delivery of services for situations involving child sexual abuse and domestic violence.
19.2 Child Sexual Abuse
- A provider must have written policies and procedures for the supervision of cases with allegations or findings of sexual abuse that provide for the safety of all participants using the service.
- Any provider supervising the parent/child contact when sexual abuse has been alleged or proven must have specific training in child sexual abuse and its effect on children.
- The contact between the visiting parent and the child must be supervised continually one-on-one so that all verbal communication is heard and all physical contact is observed.
- If there is an allegation of sexual abuse that is under investigation, providers must not accept a referral or must suspend service unless there is a court order to the contrary or an opinion by a sexual abuse expert involved in the case.
19.3 Domestic Violence
A provider must have written policies and procedures for supervision of cases with allegations or findings of domestic violence that provide for the safety of all participants using the service.
A provider must:
- Develop and implement a plan for safe arrival and departure and safe use of the service for the client at risk;
- Refer any victim of domestic violence to a resource expert that can assist and help the victim in developing a personal safety plan.
- Develop and implement policies and procedures that address no shared decision-making, unless in a specific case shared decision making has been explicitly ordered by the court; and
- Develop and follow policies regarding no contact or interaction between the parents, unless in a specific case contact or interaction is allowed by order of the court.